What is the outlook for hot oil pumps?

Source:未知 Time:2021-06-29 15:01
According to relevant plans, during the 12th Five-Year Plan period, the construction of high-speed railway will reach a peak. In 2011, the national railway infrastructure investment is planned to be 700 billion yuan, which provides a huge market opportunity for the whole high-speed railway equipment manufacturing enterprise.
According to "Medium and Long Term Railway Network Planning (2008 Adjustement)", China will build 42 high-speed railway passenger dedicated lines by 2012, the total mileage will exceed 13,000 kilometers, which will form a new demand for 800 EMU trains. By 2020, China's high-speed railway mileage will reach 18,000 kilometers, providing a broad market space for China's hot oil pumps.
Luo Baihui, chief analyst at JMG, predicted that China's high-speed railway hot oil pump market will exceed 2 billion yuan in the next three years.
According to the survey, in the field of hot oil pumps for high-speed trains, which are basic parts of high-speed trains, international giants such as SKF of Sweden, FAG of Germany and NTN of Japan firmly occupy the market in China.
It is reported that driven by the development of rail transit, medical instruments, new energy, aerospace, automobile lightweight, rail transit and other fields, the level of China's hot oil pump casting industry has been significantly improved.
The hot oil pump casting industry is actively exploring new markets while the traditional markets are advancing steadily, and even the marginal markets that were neglected in the past have been developed.
The domestic hot oil pump foundry industry shoulders the important mission of localization of China's high-end equipment. Under the guidance of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan", China's hot oil pump foundry industry has formulated the development plan of the industry.
The policy of driving the development of domestic die and mould industry by project and export was formulated.
As a big manufacturing country in the world, China's production scale in many industries is at the forefront, but it is only a large scale, and the technology content is not high. The industry is always in the awkward position of being large but not strong.
Hot oil pump is a very important and indispensable basic component in modern machinery and equipment.
Although the rise of more than hundred years of history, however, because of the relationship between national economy and people's livelihood, all countries in the world to develop their hot oil pump industry, lease superb modern science and technology, hot oil pump production has more than ten thousand species, more than 10 varieties excellent quality, superior performance, the development of mechanical industry and other industry all over the world, made outstanding contributions to the progress of human society.
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